How can I order parts?
Contact Tipton Global Customer support at 1-800-733-3936 or at to order parts
My finished product is curling...
The possible cause for this is too much tension on the back rollers. Please contact to troubleshoot.
When do I use hot laminating vs. cold laminating?
There are many different films and substrates used in varying applications. Ultimately the end use application should determine the materials used. A Fleet graphic for example should be printed and laminated using Cold UV Vinyl, whereas a Book cover could be printed on more economical paper and laminated using a Thermal PET.
Basic guidelines. Thermal laminates are much lower cost than Cold laminates.
Thermal laminating is usually both sides (encapsulation) while Cold is usually one side.
Paper substrates can withstand heat and are therefore suitable for Thermal laminating.
Vinyl substrates will melt and stretch under heat and must therefore use Cold laminates.
Paper graphics are usually laminated using Thermal films, and can also use Cold films.
Vinyl graphics are laminated using Cold films only.
The material I am laminating is not as vibrant as I would like...
Please ensure the temperature is set at the appropriate degree based on the mil thickness.
Why are my Laminator rollers are not heating?
Please Ensure Laminating Mode is on Hot and not Cold press c/hot button to change mode
Why is my roll laminator skewing?
Please ensure that the material is being feed evenly and smoothly into the unit.
My machine comes on but my rollers don’t work.
Make sure that all of the safety switches are being contacted. If the safety switch is not fully engaged, the machine will not roll. The safety switches are usually located on the right frame of the laminator (the side with the control pad) and it looks like a black or gray switch that has a small movable metal tab that clicks when activated.