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Trouble Shooting

Laminator is inoperative (Motor/lights dont come on)

Power could be disconnected, ensure unit is plugged into power supply and breaker has not tripped.

If that does not work:

Laminator may have blown a fuse, Replace fuse (near power cord, on back of machine) with 20-amp BUSS (BAF-20 Fuse) or 15 amp BUSS (MDA-15) depending on laminator.


Laminator blows fuses often.

Ensure machine is running on a dedicated circuit.
Do not exceed maximum material thickness.
Reduce supply mandrel tension.


Film and object move through Rollers erratically

Check the maximum thickness has not been exceeded.

If it has not been:
Heat shoe or heat roller have residual adhesive on them. Clean heat shoes of residual adhesive.

Used a soft cloth dipped in alcohol to wipe the surface of the upper and lower heat shoe or roller.


Laminator heats but motor does not turn on

Ensure all motor switches are in the ON position.

If they are:
Change motor fuse (black ring with grey center) located next to the motor with .75 amp fuse.


Heat rollers, heat shoes do not heat when switch is on position

Heat control thermostat's contact dirty or defective.

Clean heat control thermostat or replaced defective control.


Lam Film not bonding to the Items or to itself at the edges.

Ensure heat shoes and rollers are at proper operating temperature and have had time to warm up (about 20 minutes)

Make sure you are using quality film.


Wrinkles on the laminating items

Roller tension is too loose, increase tension on top and/or bottom supply rollers. (only small amounts between tests.)

Heat shoe is too hot, adjust temperature for proper film heat.


Stretch lines appear on laminated items running parallel with the outside edges.

Increase supply mandrel tension on top and/or bottom supply rolls.

Reduce heat shoe temperature. Clean heat shoes of residual adhesive.

Used a soft cloth dipped in alcohol to wipe the surface of the upper and lower heat shoe.


Laminating materials curls after Leaving pull rollers

Tension is not equal between rollers.

Adjust tension as described:

If the material curls up reduced the top roller tension, if the material curls down reduced the bottom roller tension.


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